Want to host a comedy show for your community?
Looking for someone to preach on the importance of confession and vulnerability?
Now booking February to May 2019.
Contact me and let’s make this happen.
Want to host a comedy show for your community?
Looking for someone to preach on the importance of confession and vulnerability?
Now booking February to May 2019.
Contact me and let’s make this happen.
Really freaked myself out tonight by adding up all the words I’ve written for the first draft of my book and calculating how close I am to my goal of 45,000 words.
I’m 28% there. Not close at all. My deadline is January 31st. UH OH. THAT’S NOT GOOD.
You know what went wrong? I stopped being consistent. I was writing every night until suddenly I wasn’t. That first night I skipped it and went to bed just opened up the flood gates. Giving up once is a gateway drug to giving up all together. It’s so much easier after that first time.
Getting back on track is going to be so painful. I hate this. Why’d I let myself break the chain?!
One of these things is not like the other.
I really need new headshots. I’m the only one not smiling on this poster and I’m the freaking comedian.
I need to hurry up and book a photographer and then quickly learn how to smile naturally in pictures because that is a skill I do not currently have. I always look like I’m in pain or very confused when I try to smile like a normal person in pictures.
I love doing stand-up because I love telling embarrassing stories to strangers. Some times I’m afraid I’ve run out of stories but then I’ll remember something I did as a kid and physically cringe at the memory and that’s when I know I need to share it on stage.
When I perform I always share a message on confession and importance of vulnerability. I hope people don’t think I’m just slapping that on at the end as a separate after thought. The whole show is a part of that message. The embarrassing stories are a way to introduce it. “Look! I shared some of my most humiliating stories and I’m still standing. It didn’t destroy me for me to say it out loud. It’s possible to talk about the things in our life that scare us in such a way that they don’t feel as heavy and daunting. You might one day be able to laugh about it. But it starts with a willingness to wrap words around it.” That’s what I’m trying to say in my material.
Hopefully that comes through.
There’s a lot of great wisdom in Creativity Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration. I just listened to the audiobook on my drive up to St. Louis on Thursday.
One of my favorite themes repeated throughout is “easy isn’t the goal, quality is.”
Ed Catmull, a co-founder of Pixar animated studio, reminds the reader over and over again about this idea.
If we get too caught up in efficiency, it’ll take over everything, and we’ll lose sight of quality. Your project could start out as an incredible hole in the wall burger restaurant and end up like McDonald’s. Burgers are shooting out fast and cheap all over the country but nobody’s saying it’s the best burger they’ve ever had. And if they are, we need to pray for them.
Thanks to my incredible friend Isaac and his music blog, Born Loser, I got to interview one of my favorite bands, Cheese on Bread. My friend Casey and I discovered them back in high school and I’ve played their album The Search for Colonel Mustard over and over and over. They took a 10 year hiatus but returned recently for a new album.
Isaac knew how big of a fan I was so he reached out to them for an interview and then texted me a screenshot of their email accepting the offer.
“You want to do a guest interview?” he asked.
I almost screamed.
I’ve loved this band for so long. Their song Cornfields, Cornfields is VERY VERY MEANINGFUL TO ME, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I felt like this was the greatest honor of my life.
So obviously I put off doing the interview for months and months.
I was too scared. I didn’t want to screw this up. You know how easy it would be to come across like an annoying fan who is taking everything way too seriously? Very easy.
But I finally sent my questions. And they responded.
You want to know the craziest part? We had interacted once before, 10 years ago, when I was a nerdy super fan in high school. Of course, I remembered it vividly. The crazy part was, they remembered it too.
Today was the memorial service for my grandpa, Morty Galoskowsky. He passed away at the age of 90.
My grandma found a letter I had written him when I was in the 4th grade. I was very concerned about his salvation.
It wasn’t until 10 years ago, at the age of 80, that he came to Christ and was baptized.
Never stop praying for the people you love.
I’m in St. Louis, Missouri for the weekend and it won’t stop snowing. The weather refuses to let up. I even asked nicely but it just ignores me.
One of my goals for 2019 is to save up a bunch of money to go to Disney World for a week. I keep telling myself I have to work so hard this year that I deserve an amazing vacation. I’m going in September so this will be my reward for finishing my book.
Every once in a while I’ll watch something Disney World related on Youtube to keep myself focused on the goal.
The other night I saw this mini documentary about two friends who started sneaking off an old Epcot ride to explore the backstage when no one was looking. This was before Disney had elaborate security so they could just hop off, walk around, steal props, and take pics with the animatronics.
It’s worth watching just for the footage they were able to get, but then the video surprises you with a really touching ending.
I would also like to make it clear that I would never ever try anything like this because I’m a coward and I will be afraid of getting in trouble until the day I die.
Last weekend I spoke in a breakout session for the Converge Youth Convention. My talk was on how we can create a culture of confession where our friends can feel comfortable opening up about their struggles.
All growth and progress in our ministries have to start with an emphasis on confession. It’s true for youth and it’s true for the whole church.