Podcast Episodes to Get You Through Social Distancing

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It’s a weird time right now.

Most of us are having to figure out this new life of being trapped at home.

The other day I realized I can actually offer some genuine help during this time. On my podcast, I interview friends and experts on a wide range of topics and there are specific episodes that can equip you for this time.

Feeling guilty about all the movies you’re watching?

#4 Empathy and Film (w/ Wade Bearden) This episode will change the way you look at movies. They don’t just have to be mindless entertainment. They can actually make you a better Christian.

Stuck with your family and you’re not sure how to talk to them about how this whole thing is making you feel

#7 Talking Mental Health with Family (w/ Gina Johnson) I had a very honest conversation with my mom about why I was so scared to tell anyone in my family about my struggle with depression growing up. My mom opens up about her own journey with mental health too.

Have you seen friends post anything on social media that leads you to believe they might not be doing ok? Not sure if you should reach out or what you should say?

#8 When and How to Reach Out (w/ Michelle Ellis) That’s exactly what this episode is about! I’ve got nothing else to say about it because I explained it perfectly in the setup.