Starting New Research


I’m writing a book. The working title is Vulnerable Christianity. Don’t get too excited because I’m still in the early early early stages of research and outlining what this thing is going to be.

Here are the books I know I need to read in the next few months as I flesh out my idea. I’m sure I’ll add more to the list as I dive in but this is where I’m starting.

The Social Animal by David Brooks

Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I've Loved by Kate Bowler

Lament: Reclaiming Practices in the Pulpit, Pew, and Public Square

The Soul of Shame by Curt Thompson

I Thought it was Just Me by Brene Brown

The Art of the Apology by Lauren M. Bloom

So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson

How Not to be Secular by James K.A. Smith

Faith Formation in a Secular Age by Andrew Root

Disruptive Witness by Alan Noble

Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler