The Ministry of Naming

“It’s no coincidence that Jesus taught almost entirely by telling stories, simple stories dealing with the stuff of life familiar to the Jesus of his day. Stories are able to help us to become more whole, to become Named. And Naming is one of the impulses behind all art; to give a name to the cosmos wee see despite all the chaos.”
— Madeleine L’Engle, Walking on Water: Reflections of Faith and Art

Jesus says the most important commandments are to love God with everything and love your neighbor as yourself. He’s asked who is my neighbor? He responds with a story. A story that Names your neighbor as whoever is in need right in front of you. A story that Names love as more than a good feeling and a pat on the back.

In a Ministry of Naming, stories are so valuable.

A speaker tells a story and Names what it feels like when anxious thoughts take over and cause them to spiral, and someone in the audience recognizes their own experience in the story. Wait, that’s anxiety? And they consider for the first time asking for help.

Someone tells a story of leaving an abusive relationship and Names the manipulation, insecurity, and pain, and someone else now has the words to see their own situation more clearly.

A mentor tells a story of reconciliation, explaining how they eventually laid down their pride and mended a relationship, and maybe a hearer is ready to Name their own pride as the roadblock in the way of forgiveness.

A parent tells a story of hitting rock bottom and describes the process of God healing and restoring their life and relationships. They name hope. They name the difficulties and fears that keep us stuck.

You tell a story about that bizarre feeling of watching everyone go back to normal after you lost someone you love, and someone else feels less alone in their grief.

I’m going to talk more about this in my free webinar on April 18. Sign up now!