The moment I fell in love with Superorganism

I had never heard of Superorganism before but when I saw their tiny desk concert I immediately fell in love. I’ve watched it 4 or 5 times in the last few days.

Here's why I love this

1. (ONE.) They’re clearly having fun. There are few things more important in a live performance.

2. (TWO.) When you do a tiny desk concert you have to make some sacrifices. You’ve got this tiny space (it’s in the name!) so you might have to pull back on the instruments, make it an acoustic set. Superorganism pulls back but there’s NO REAL SACRIFICE. You still get this layered and detailed sound that comes from shoes, soda, blowing bubbles, clapping, and apples. 

3. (THREE.)  It doesn’t feel showy. It’s not tongue in cheek, ironic, "look at us being weird!" You know when you see someone who is dressing “different” and it’s so clear by the way they hold themselves that they’re just doing it for attention? They’re wearing sweatpants and an Abe Lincoln hat. They’re standing at the mall with the WORST poker face and you can just tell tell in their head they’re screaming “STARE AT ME!” Yeah. That’s not this band. They’re doing this totally unique performance because that’s who they are.

4. (FOUR.) Their performance is still so strong and tight. It would have been so easy for them to be like “let’s play weird a bunch of weird nosies,” not really practice or think about it and the joy would be in the chaos. That’s what most of us would do. But they PULL IT OFF. You could think this is just what their band does. BUT IT’S NOT.