Writing Hours Livestream

I wanted to make something that could hold me accountable to my writing and help me focus.

I’ve used the “Pomodoro Technique” where you set timers, going back and forth between working for 15 minutes and taking 5 minute breaks. After doing that 4 times you take a longer break.

It really does help me focus and keep me from checking my phone all the time.

It’s also been super helpful to use it with a friend over FaceTime. One one of us sets a timer. No talking, just working, using the breaks to catch up. That’s been a lot of fun.

I thought it would be cool to do it with everyone.

It’s a Focus Livestream. Every Tuesday on my Youtube channel. Anybody else who needs help setting aside time to write, read, chores, homework can do the Pomodoro Technique with me! We’ll all focus for 15 minutes and chat in the breaks. Keep it open on your laptop, phone, or TV and we can all get stuff done together!