Videos from My Livestream

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Every month I'm putting on a comedy livestream exclusively for my Patreon supporters. Well, actually I decided for my first one I'd leave it open to the public. So you can find it all on Facebook.

Was it the best thing in the world? No. I learned a whole lot though. I had really big dreams for the livestream could be and it didn't really live up to it. It's frustrating when things don't live up to your taste. There were some scheduling problems and technical issues that got in the way.

BUT there were some pre-recorded videos I showed throughout the livestream that I'm really proud of. Each one is sillier than the last. Just the way I like it.

In one video I show off my new car.

I give a tour of the town I grew up in.

And my friend Seth sings Firework by Katy Perry.

There's a 4th video my other friend Derek made where he teaches you how to fake laugh and it's sooooo funny. I need to convince him to record a different intro/outro that doesn't mention the livestream so he can upload it to his youtube page because it's wonderful.

The Videos