Your Feelings are not Beetlejuice


When Eugene Mirman’s wife was dying of cancer, he didn’t want to dwell on it with her, so he’d always find other people to talk to about it. One night while with friends his wife lamented “You know, no one wants to talk to me about cancer.”

In the documentary It Started as a Joke, Eugene talks about this moment as a turning point. He realized he shouldn’t have been afraid to bring this subject up with his wife.


“Talking about it isn’t going to be the thing that kills her.”


Some times it feels so scary to wrap words around the heaviest feelings we’re experiencing. We think the feelings are a giant wild animal and the only way to keep it locked away in its cage is to never speak of it. Words are the key, and if you open the lock, the beast will run wild through your life.

But I love this realization. Cancer isn’t Bloody Mary or Beetlejuice. Things will not get worse just by speaking its name three times. Just the opposite! Over time, talking about these things can help shrink the intensity of our feelings.

Why I'm Writing Bad Poetry


On April 8th I watched Billy Collins’ Masterclass on reading and writing poetry. I had a lot to learn because I’m very bad at both of those things.

I’ve written at least one very bad poem every day since starting the class. They’re not bad on purpose. I’m really trying, I promise. I don’t just vomit out a few lines and call it a day. Some times I will spend a couple of hours rewriting. But it’s all so new to me so there’s no way they’re going to be any good.

But that doesn’t mean I should give up. The only way I’ll one day end up with a halfway decent poem is if I keep writing all these bad ones.

The same was true for my stand-up, sermons, and writings. Ira Glass talks about that frustration when you first start making stuff and your taste is better than what you’re making. You know what a great movie looks like so you’re painfully aware that the movie you just made is trash (or song, or painting, etc.). That can be so discouraging. You want to give up. But the only way to close the gap between your taste and your art is to keep working.

This is the main way I think about creativity: I’ve got 600 terrible poems living inside me, all piled up in the pit of my stomach, and underneath all those embarrassing poems is where the good ones live. The only way I can get to them is by letting the bad ones out. This saves me from getting discouraged every time I write a crappy poem. It’s more of a relief. Oh, thank God. I let another one out. We’re one step closer to getting to the good ones.

Here’s a video of me talking more about this:

Do you know why I’m writing poetry in the first place?

Is this how I’m announcing to the world that I’m leaving behind comedy and speaking, moving to Paris, buying a cape, and becoming a SERIOUS POET? No ma'am. Not even close. I don’t want to share these with anyone. Honestly, there’s no good reason I’m doing it. I just want to see if I can.

Austin Kleon wrote about the wonders of having a good ol fashion hobby


"A hobby is something creative that’s just for you. You don’t try to make money or get famous off it, you just do it because it makes you happy. A hobby is something that gives but doesn’t take.”


It’s nice to do something creative that has absolutely no pressure on it. There’s no deadline. There’s nothing riding on it being successful. You’ll never make a dime from it, and you know that from the start, so it can remain a low stakes exercise for fun. Sure, there’s a chance sharpening this tool in my writer’s toolbox could one day come in handy, but I’m not doing it with that in mind. It’s just nice.

So, why not pick up a hobby? Start writing short stories about the secret adventures your pets go on and don’t tell anyone about it. Do it for the sake of doing it. But keep doing it even if it sucks, because who knows how good it could be one day.

Podcast Episodes to Get You Through Social Distancing

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It’s a weird time right now.

Most of us are having to figure out this new life of being trapped at home.

The other day I realized I can actually offer some genuine help during this time. On my podcast, I interview friends and experts on a wide range of topics and there are specific episodes that can equip you for this time.

Feeling guilty about all the movies you’re watching?

#4 Empathy and Film (w/ Wade Bearden) This episode will change the way you look at movies. They don’t just have to be mindless entertainment. They can actually make you a better Christian.

Stuck with your family and you’re not sure how to talk to them about how this whole thing is making you feel

#7 Talking Mental Health with Family (w/ Gina Johnson) I had a very honest conversation with my mom about why I was so scared to tell anyone in my family about my struggle with depression growing up. My mom opens up about her own journey with mental health too.

Have you seen friends post anything on social media that leads you to believe they might not be doing ok? Not sure if you should reach out or what you should say?

#8 When and How to Reach Out (w/ Michelle Ellis) That’s exactly what this episode is about! I’ve got nothing else to say about it because I explained it perfectly in the setup.

How Late-Night Hosts Handle Social Distancing


Sure, there's a lot about the coronavirus that absolutely sucks but the silver lining I want to focus on is LATE NIGHT TALK SHOWS.

Last week all the late-night hosts had to do at least one show without an audience. They're in their studio with nothing but their crew, a ton of empty chairs, and the jokes they really hope will still be funny even in the silence.

It was fascinating to watch how everyone handled it.

Stephen Colbert went BIG. Over the top. I love the man so much but it did not translate well. It was probably supposed to come across carefree and fun but it reads as desperate. To be fair, Colbert does have a massive theatre (the biggest in late-night) that he's all alone in. I bet it would be really hard to play it small.

Seth Meyers didn't even have to do a full episode. He put out a Closer Look (one of his most popular segments). A lot of the jokes don't land but it feels like Meyers is genuinely having a good time making fun of himself bombing.

Jimmy Fallon handles it the best, but that's because he doesn't have to do it alone. He has a sidekick and a band to play off of. He doesn't go big. He stays small and goofs around. It's loose. It feels natural.

One of my favorite periods in late night was the writers strike in 2007. All the shows had to go on the air without their writers. What on earth would they do? Well, for the most part, they just WASTED TIME.

Conan O'Brien was the best at it. During the writers strike he had an ongoing bit where he tried to see how long he could spin his wedding ring on his desk. Yup. That's it. That was the whole bit. And it's genuinely fun.

Recently I've started thinking more and more about the importance of restrictions and limitations in art. If you place rules or boundaries for what you allow yourself to do as an artist, you're likely to find new and creative ways to thrive within the boundaries. That's what Conan did. And if the coronavirus rages on, I hope that's what entertainers and artists will do with social distancing.

If you’re an artist living in America during the time of social distancing, maybe this weird new unexpected restriction is exactly what you need to fan the flame of your creativity. Look on the bright side. And wash your hands.

Mister Rogers' Key to Success: Remembering


In the Esquire article that inspired the new movie, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, there’s a story of Mister Rogers being asked to contribute to a book for eye doctors. They specifically wanted Rogers to write advice for how these doctors could help children not be so afraid of visiting them. Rogers was able to sum up the entire message of his chapter in one sentence: “You were a child once, too."

The more I learn about Mister Rogers, the more I hear this idea repeated: the key to Mister Rogers’ success was that he could remember what it was like to be a child. He could remember the moments of fear, confusion, loneliness, and shame. He could still see the world through the eyes of a child. Think of how this changes the way you approach communicating important ideas to children.

As you grow up, you realize a lot of the fears you had as a child were actually completely irrational. You’re never going to get sucked down the drain of the bathtub. That’s literally impossible. But when you’re small, that terror is REAL. If you can’t remember just how real it felt when you were young, it can be more difficult to have empathy when trying to help a child who is struggling with the fear. You could become dismissive or angry when they don’t just “get over it.” You see things from the vantage point of maturity, and from where you’re standing you see how ridiculous the fear is, but the child cannot. “Why don’t you just see what I see!” We might never yell those words but our tone and attitude could still say it none the less.

Mister Rogers remembered. He could still climb back into his childhood self and see the world from that point of view. That had to be one of the keys to his success.

While I was attending a Christian college, I loved bugging my professors with as many questions as I could think of. Even though I grew up going to church I never really took Biblical literacy and theology very seriously. I didn’t realize how much I didn’t know until I got to college. I also didn’t realize how much I wanted to learn until I spent time with my professors. Looking back, it’s still remarkable how patient they were with me. All of them had at least a decade of teaching under their belts. I was probably asking questions they had heard countless times from a hundred different students every single semester. And yet, they always listened and responded as if it was the first time they had ever been asked. They were never (visibly) annoyed. They never rushed me. They never dismissed any question for being stupid.

Part of me wonders if my professors had the same gift of perspective that Mister Rogers had. Could they remember what it was like when they were still an immature Christian discovering the beauty of scripture for the first time? Could they recall hearing new ideas and concepts about the character of God and the nature of sin? They remembered all the excitement and confusion wrapped up in something new.

Is this also the key to discipleship? When you’re going to walk with someone toward maturity in Christ it must help to remember what it’s like to start at square one. They don’t know better. They don’t know anything yet, just like you did when you first found yourself drawn to the gospel.

Let us never forget: you were a child once, too.

Mister Rogers and the Origin of Kindness


If Mister Rogers found himself doing any public speaking, he was known for ending his speeches the same way. He did it at The Emmy’s when the was given the Lifetime Achievement Award and he did it when he was the commencement speaker for Dartmouth College in 2002.


All of us have special ones who have loved us into being. Would you just take along with me 10 seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are, those who have cared about you and wanted what was best for you in life?

[10 seconds of silence]

Whomever you have been thinking about, how pleased they must be to know the difference you feel they’ve made.


I wonder if this is the secret source to Mister Rogers’ kindness. Is it gratitude for the kindness you’ve received that motivates you to share kindness with others? Maybe Mister Rogers is wanting people to reflect on they were supported and loved in hopes that they’ll strive to do the same. Think about how you would not be here today if it weren’t for that person that came to mind. How many other people will not get anywhere without your love and support?

This is from another commencement speech Rogers gave that is featured in the documentary, Won’t You be My Neighbor?:


"From the time you were very little, you’ve had people who have smiled you into smiling, talked you into talking, sung you into singing, loved you into loving.”


I truly believe Mister Rogers' unspoken conclusion to all these moments of reflection and gratitude was “go and do likewise."

The apostle Paul makes the same point.


Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32


Remember what God has given to you. Remember that you definitely did not deserve it. It’s actually in spite of all you’ve done and who you are that you have been adopted into His family. Remember all that had to be forgiven, and still has to be forgiven. Remember the cross. When you keep all of that in mind, you have no reason to be stingy with your kindness. Why hold out on offering attention and love and gifts of absurd generosity to those who don’t deserve it?

The Secret to Preaching Like Mister Rogers


“As simple as Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood looked and sounded, every detail in it was the product of a tremendously careful, academically-informed process.”


I love this article from The Atlantic on the extensive work Rogers put into every line delivered on his show. He was strategic. There were no throw away lines. Everything was purposeful.

The article talks about ‘Freddish,’ a term for the specific way of communicating Rogers was known for. Here’s the key: "Fundamentally, Freddish anticipated the ways its listeners might misinterpret what was being said.”

One line could get rewritten 8 times to make sure it communicated exactly what Rogers wanted. “It is dangerous to play in the street” could be worked over again and again until it becomes “Your favorite grown-ups can tell you where it is safe to play. It is important to try to listen to them, and listening is an important part of growing.”

First, you’d rewrite it to make it a positive statement. Then you need to remember that this message is for pre-schoolers and at that age, you still need to be redirected to an authority figure. The sentence then becomes “Ask your parents where it is safe to play.” But wait, not all kids are raised by their parents so you need to change it to “your favorite grown-up.”

And so on. And so on.

I can’t help but be challenged by this. Am I as careful with what I say on stage? Do I go over my word choices with a fine-tooth comb? Am I as aware of my audience as Mister Rogers? Am I anticipating how things could be misinterpreted?

Even just from reading the article you get the sense of just how exhausting this level of attention to detail can be. I was once at a dinner with other ministers and we could not stop talking about the worship song Reckless Love. Can we say that God’s love is reckless? Is that wrong? Should churches sing that? What does that say about the character of God? At the time, I was not having it. I just wanted everyone to shut up and eat their burgers. I was tired. It was the end of a long week of camp. I wanted to just shout “WHO CARES” and let that be the end.

But, honestly, it’s a question worth asking.

Not just with one worship song, but with everything we do and say in the church. What is it communicating? How can this be misinterpreted? Pastors are shepherds entrusted with a flock to lead and protect. That’s a big deal.

My friend Cameron has been doing a lot of really challenging writing that examines certain “givens” we’ve accepted in the modern American evangelical church.

Should churches put an American flag on stage?

Is what we’re calling the gospel actually the gospel?

I have to applaud his dedication to cautiously evaluating what is being presented to his flock. That’s some real Mister Rogers stuff right there.

Does your church ask these questions? How do we talk about sin? Worship? Discipleship? Yes, it can get exhausting and frustrating and confusing, but it’s worth it. Maybe we don’t have to talk about it at dinner, but we can come back to the topic tomorrow.

What Changes are You Expecting? Mister Rogers & Growth

Mister Rogers has a song called What Do You Do with the Mad that You Feel? It’s about all the different ways you can express your anger without taking it out on yourself or others.


What do you do with the mad that you feel

When you feel so mad you could bite?

When the whole wide world seems oh, so wrong...

And nothing you do seems very right?

What do you do? Do you punch a bag?

Do you pound some clay or some dough?

Do you round up friends for a game of tag?

Or see how fast you go?


I love the question Mister Rogers is asking. What do you do with it? Not “do you have it?” It’s a given that all of us, every single person, is going to have some Mad. The real question is what are you going to do with it when it shows up, because it will show up. This isn’t just true with anger. "What do you do with the _____ that you feel?” There are a million things you can fill that blank with. What do you do with the sadness? Tragedy? Grief? Doubt? Confusion? Jealousy? Stress?

When you ask that question you’re able to skip ahead, breeze past the scary moment where you have to admit that you’re feeling that feeling in the first place. Look, we know you’re going to deal with it. We all are. Let’s just kick shame to the side and talk about HOW you’re going to deal with it.

The song is about how there are constructive and destructive ways to deal with the mad that you’re feeling. There are positive outlets, ways of releasing the built-up tension that are safe and helpful. If we don’t choose those avenues, it’s not like the mad just goes away. It’s going to come one way or the other.

In my book, In the Altogether, I talk about how vulnerability without hope is pointless. You have to believe change is possible if you’re ever going to see the value in opening up to someone. Why take the risk and let your walls down unless you have faith that something good can actually come from that? The truth is there’s incredible change available in Christ Jesus.


We need to make sure we have good expectations for what that change might look like. If you work up the courage to confide in someone you trust about some issue or struggle, things will change. But will the change be that the issue goes away? I don’t know. Sometimes it will, and praise God for that. But sometimes the change be that now you have a new way of dealing with it when it shows up.

One of the biggest changes I’ve had in Christ is the answer to the question “What do you do with the depressed that you feel?” The feelings still show up, but I’m ready for them now. The whole experience is totally different. Do I keep it to myself? No. Do I deny I’m even experiencing it? Nope! I don’t have to anymore because of Christ.

Trusting Christ doesn’t mean you never deal with difficulties again. Yes, God can bring relief, and healing, and lift burdens, but sometimes He will show you how incredibly powerful He is by having you rely on Him and His church as you go through what you wish you could go around. He will give you new and better ways to deal with what life throws at you. That’s what shows off how incredible God is. Other people are going to see you going through the same things as them, but handling it totally differently, and they’ll be so blown away. How on earth are they doing that? Then you can point them to Jesus.

What do YOU do with what you deal with?

Concert Airdrops

I’ve been tagging along to a lot of concerts lately. My friend Isaac runs a music blog (Born Loser Magazine) and gets us free tickets. At the last several shows, between acts, everyone in the crowd just starts airdropping memes to any random stranger’s phone who is available.

Last night we saw Puma Blue in Dallas and here are a few pictures I received.


Do I participate in this stupid activity to pass the time? Of course.

Here were some of my favorites to send last night.


I know, they’re not that good. It’s the best I had. I never come prepared for these things.